Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Day In The Life of Pucknut's Kid

Somewhere swimming with yellow sponges and pink starfish...

AquaDad has received a video from his friend Pucknut. The film is an entry for Revver's current contest -- make a childhood memory type video.

AquaDad was impressed and entertained by Pucknut's video an imagining of his wee son's perspective of daily life. Very sweet with a great fade to black. AquaDad is pleased to see that he's not the only one to use his children for inspiration...and no wage actors.


AquaDad wishes to impress upon the kindly viewer that today is Thanksgiving -- enjoy your loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Aeromodelling demo - Amazing!

A guy and his toy airplane...spectacular!

This amuses AquaDad. Did you see how big the airplane actually is?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

AquaDad Takes on Remake of The Shining

Bubbling under the clear blue surface of a lazy sea...

AquaDad finally makes a brief Halloween-oriented video. In fact, this is no less than a remake of the famous Axe through the door and "Here's Johnny" scene, albeit without an axe, without Nicholson, and since AquaDad did not want the budget to include a hole in a door...well, AquaDad feels as if he's giving too much away.

Happy belated Halloween! Enjoy!