Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Friends of AquaDad - Nalts

Message in a bottle floating somewhere in the South Pacific...

AquaDad has made some friends online.

Nalts is the name of one such friend. AquaDad has had many laughs over Nalts' videos. They're parodies, they're pranks, they're comments on viral videos, they're videos starring kids, they're videos created by the biggest of the kids. And they are all funny.

Nalts is also a prolific commentator on all things viral video and the state of this young industry. A rant on YouTube, a cry of love for all things Revver, a voice crying in the internet desert (okay maybe not that), Nalts is all of this.

Check out Nalts' website: www.cubebreak.com

His Viral Video blog: www.willworkforvideo.com
His Revver blog: www.revverberation.com

And now, here are some of AquaDad's favorite Nalts videos...


It is AquaDad's wish that you enjoy the work of Nalts. You will have to kick back and surround yourself with the sounds of your own laughter. You will be pleased.

(Also, AquaDad wants to remember that he wanted to try the new Revver widget which would allow him to have a collection of videos that are easily shown via the widget, however, AquaDad's html programming skills, at this point, leave something to be desired.)

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