Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Parental Fear and Brave AquaBoy #2

Swimming through rough currents in the dark and lonely immensity of the Pacific...

AquaDad found himself paralyzed with fear several days ago. A fear like no other. A helplessness. AquaDad thinks of himself as a protector of his AquaBoys. But last Friday, AquaDad watched as AquaBoy #2 fell from the playground equipment at the Undersea School that he attends. A snap was the sound that slapped AquaDad in the face and made his blood run cold. 5 year old AquaBoy #2 had snapped the bones in his forearm. AquaDad heard it and several days later has trouble getting the instant replay out of his mind. What could AquaDad do in this case? Nothing. He could not help his AquaChild. Oh certainly AquaDad picked the boy up, trying to ignore the panic that was setting in and the strange new bend in AquaBoy's arm (so much for all the First Aid classes AquaDad has taken over the years). AquaWife was nearby and told him to not panic. For the first time in many ages, AquaDad listened to his wife. He hurriedly took the boy to the office. 911 was called. AquaDad was impressed when the paramedics arrived and with great inspirational confidence they handled the scene like the professionals they are. AquaBoy #2 was in good hands. Likewise, doctors and nurses responded with excellent care for AquaBoy #2. X-Rays taken. Bones set. Temporary cast affixed. What were AquaBoy #2 first words? I get a CAST!!! he said happily. And following that, he asked, Do I have to take baths anymore? AquaDad felt very proud of his brave AquaBoy #2.

Days later, as the arm heals, and AquaBoy #2 runs around like a squirrel, AquaDad thinks about the fear he felt -- something most parents can understand, or anyone who loves someone who gets hurt -- that paralyzing fear. But then, AquaDad looks out across the seas and into the lands and knows that there are children and parents out there facing horrors indescribable, and AquaDad begins to feel gratitude. Gratitude that his dear son is okay, a busted wing is all, and AquaDad is grateful that it was nothing worse than that. AquaDad breathes a sigh of relief and his mind swims along...through pleasant waters...

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